Dog Training And Another Inconvenient TruthThe volunteers in front of me stalled at the gate. I could not comprehend why. Had a hole in the space time continuum engulfed them? It sucks when this happens. Time simply stood still.

The gate was open. The dogs, Veronica and Dagwood, were more than thrilled to be going on a walk. For once no escaped bulls were grazing on the path; at least that I could see. And yes, I definitely felt it when I pinched myself. But the volunteers were motionless.
Excited Dagwood pulled forward. The couple stood their ground. Had there been some mistake? Sometimes when newbies arrived at Three Springs to volunteer, they preferred to brush dogs or sit in the Cat House. Still the young couple had arrived with leashes, tennis shoes, water bottles and all the other typical trappings of dog walkers.
The dogs tried again to exit the run. Just when I was deciding between asking if they preferred to poop scoop or calling a tow truck to hoist their asses out of my area, the truth hit me. They were “Millaners.” Crap!
To be clear, Millaners are not a sweet and tasty cookie product. Those are Milanos. Millaners are a product of television. Yes, the young couple in question were zealot-like, faux-followers of Cesar Millan. I don’t mean ‘fans’. Fans might just appreciate some of Mr. Millan’s contributions to dog issues, such as getting people to walk more with their pets. I do.
All this leads to a problem. You see, the entertainment industry probably can afford lawyers. In fact, I’d venture to guess they have one or two lying around. Only a fool would denounce a beloved American TV show in writing.
So what do you do when you see a major problem you feel is harming animals, but speaking out may cost you everything? You do the right thing. You pussyfoot around the subject and hope to heaven you have a pair of clean panties left to your name when the dust settles.
Now where was I? Oh yes, as far as I could tell the volunteers’ sole qualification in overriding the Three Springs’ positive training protocol for dog handling was that they scrupulously studied Dog Whisperer shows.
To be fair, Bipsy and Pipsy may have even read Cesar’s Way, but I bet their lips moved. A phenomenon is occurring, which the nation’s trainers, behavioralists and animal keepers are witnessing at an alarming rate. *The Dog Whisperer show is harming animals! Tragically, after a few episodes, Millaners dub themselves expert dog trainers. Some of them may even own a dog. None of them can be deprogrammed.
In order to make some form of a point while perched delicately on eggshells, I’ll summarize a few experiences I have had at various shelters, some as far away as Thailand. TV is everywhere. All hail Cesar!
That young couple? They were waiting for the dogs to wait and let them pass through the gate first. Why? Apparently this was to show who was in charge. Funny thing is, I thought I was in charge.
Funnier still, between volunteers and staff, the two confused Rottweilers are walked by a dozen different people each month. Heaven help Dagwood if he has to guess the training approach (or lack there of) used by each of them.
Eventually Veronica and Dagwood surrendered. They were just turning back to see if their favorite soap was on television when the couple inexplicably walked out the gate. The dogs were yet again thrilled to be on their way. As the keeper in charge, this was the scary part for me.
Once I realize Millaners have infiltrated our ranks I have to stay vigilant. Would they get deep into the pine trees, then have an issue with one of the dogs? Instead of blowing the volunteer whistle, they might channel their inner TV trained trainerness, and try to imitate a bite with their finger tips or shove Veronica to the ground. Pardon my French, but with the type of dogs that I work with, that shit don’t fly!
Outdated training techniques, especially full contact approaches, must not be launched at shelter dogs from left field. When inflicted by a stranger, it’s just asking for the dog to make a mistake, misread the situation and bite. When television-viewing zealots decide they know best and ultimately inflict a bite history on a dog, it is a choice which can curse the dog’s file and the dog’s life forever.
According to his file, one of the most loyal and huggable dogs I have ever worked with was said to be a former Cesar Millan dog. Whether that was on TV, at Cesar’s Dog Psychology Center or in some TV-Trainer’s home, I cannot confirm. The results I can confirm.
A volunteer heard that Red was a “Cesar Dog.” Red came to the shelter after he bit his owner. Surprise! Surprise! The owner was trying a Dog Whisperer Technique when it happened. Time passed. There were no further problems. Then Red bit again. Why?
The volunteer working with Red admitted (after the fact, and prior to the stitches), that he had grabbed 80 pound Red by the scruff and tried to pull him to the ground. He was a proud Millaner and had heard Red was a Cesar dog.
As a result, Red can no longer be worked with by volunteers and gets much less individual attention. Furthermore, he has fewer chances to show people what a spectacular animal he is. Potential adoptive homes are very limited.
Indeed, because two people receive cable television, this magnificent animal will likely spend his last few years on Earth at the shelter, waiting for an adoptive family that will never come for him.
I once had another Millaner Zealot couple (they tend to pair bond), tell me they were putting down their second English bulldog in three years due to aggression issues. Just last month it bit the husband, Tony. All Tony had done was try to push the dog to the ground when it was fighting with another dog in the park. “We’re avid fans of The Dog Whisperer,” they mentioned repeatedly.
“Really? I never would have guessed,” I mumbled (speaking Latin for no f---ing sh-t).
Mrs. Tony cried as she relayed the tale of the bite incident. Catch a visual on this scene. Chippy, the bulldog, with a known history of dog aggression, is walking with his owners. He is, of course, unmuzzled in a public park. Yet, Tony and his little miss let him pass close to another dog. Surprise! Surprise! A dog fight breaks out!
So, what is the next obvious step? Tony, a retired white collar worker, reaches into a dog fight and attempts to push his dog to the ground. Chippy, frothing with rage and still fighting another dog is supposed to stop defending himself and swan dive into a calm submissive state of mind. Gosh, I can’t imagine why the poor dog could ever have mistakenly bit his owner. Can you?
Now call me a silly goose, but I’m thinking maybe this is why there is a disclaimer at the start of The Dog Whisperer. I’m also thinkin’ this is maybe precisely what Cesar Millan does not want untrained people to do. That is just my guess. But, no dog lover could.
That’s where we have a problem. Most people are too full of themselves to admit they are clueless. I get that. But, I have never met people so sure they were right or so determined that organizations’ rules and instructions don’t apply to them as Millaners. They turn up everywhere determined to show animal care professionals the error of our ways. And, they listen to nothing. You’d think they had little David Koresh dolls wedged inside their ear canals.
Who would advocate pushing a pet to the ground so another dog could continue attacking it? No one. The ‘Tonys’ quick leap onto the euthanasia table was also very un-pro-training. Doesn’t the Dog Whisperer TV program usually show pets with behavioral problems being worked with and not killed?
I’m not surprised Tony and the little miss missed the point. I offered advice, called a trainer in to talk to them and suggested possible placement options in the event they did not wish to keep their bulldog. Nothing deterred them. It was obvious they felt they had properly followed Cesar’s way and the dog was just defective, their second defective dog. How very odd.
Like his predecessor, Chippy was euthanized two days later. But it’s okay, the duo already had a third English bulldog puppy on order. I personally would have recommended a different breed for them, perhaps one made by Lego?. I would also have recommended a period of mourning. During this time they could pull their heads out of their asses.
Another place I worked at actually had to have security escort a job applicant off the property four days into his trial week. Once management told him to cease practicing Dog Whisperer (or his version of) techniques on the animals, did he stop? Oh, hell no! He just snuck dogs out when no one was looking and continued his maniacal behavior without hesitation.
Did he get the job? Oh, hell no! The only real question is who would let this dumb ass make it to a trial week in the first place? How hard is it to ask, “What training technique do you follow?” during the interview?
Before you send your letters, realize I’m not bashing Cesar Millan. Heck, if anyone as hot looking as Will Smith will vouch for the man, that is good enough for me. I am, however, bashing the Dog Whisperer television show’s Zealot Millan Worshipers. Clear enough?
Remember, with proper editing and the right background music, Hollywood can make picking your nose into an attractive and adventurous new trend. That doesn’t mean we should all walk through the dog park doing it.
I can’t help but wonder, if little ol’ me has been confronted by so many problems resulting from this television show in under six months (that’s right), what happens if you add up all the tens of thousands of other dog handlers and trainers around the world? It’s no secret that this issue keeps popping up everywhere. Cumulatively, how many dogs have been harmed?
Now, to my understanding, it’s less than practical to have a TV show without an audience. This show needs to go! Its viewers cause too much damage!*
*It would seem counterintuitive to put a disclaimer at the end of an article that resulted from people who (in my opinion) ignore a television show’s disclaimer. Nonetheless . . . That’s my personal opinion. Other opinions may vary. Must be 21 to enter. Not valid in states of ND, CT, denial or confusion.
By: Nola Lee Kelsey
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