Do You Want To Own A Pit Bull

Before purchasing, or acquiring your American Pit Bull Terrier, you must make sure that your city or town is not affected by breed restricted legislation. Certain cities or countries have restrained this breed of dog from being kept as pets or as guard dogs. It may be necessary to get insurance as well before you can keep one as a pet, and you may be required to muzzle it and maintain a short leash when in public areas.

This also gives the owner some peace of mind when you factor in neighbors and visitors with small children. Remember NEVER to leave any breed of dog unattended with children.

Make sure your Pit Bull gets plenty of exercise. This particular breed of dog can become quite unruly and downright problematic if she isn't walked daily for an extended period of time. They like to play for extended periods outside of the daily walk. These things are vital in maintaining your dogs' obedience to you, since its absence will bring out the wild and unruly side of your dog.
Make sure you set rules and boundaries for your dogs and stick to them. Love and structure go hand in hand in raising a well bred dog. However this is not an endorsement for abusive behavior towards animals. If you live in warm climates make sure that your Pit Bull does not over exert herself in the sun. Dogs are equally susceptible to heat exhaustion. Although dogs sweat by panting and letting their tongues hang out, excessive panting and disorientation are signs that it's too hot for your pooch.

During hot summer days you should try exercising your Pit Bull earlier in the day, or later towards the evenings when it's bound to be cooler and the sun isn't beating down on the two of you.
Remember, your dog needs you. For love, learning and life you are the one that is going to be integral to the dogs' ability to integrate itself well in your life. The more care and attention you administer, the better the relationship will be between man and Pit Bull.
By: Jason Swanson
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