How to Take Care of a New Puppy
Puppy training actually begins the moment you bring a new puppy into your home. The first week is very important. Everyone in the family needs to be on the same page when it comes to

The first few days in your puppy’s new home are extremely important and will be a time of much excitement and joy. However, remember your new puppy has just been taken away from the only place he has ever known and is very vulnerable and impressionable. You have to set up a routine and rules from the start. Puppies are very smart and will learn very quickly.
First you need to set up a special place for the newest member of your home. Puppies need

Try playing with your puppy quietly and gently. If your pup seems to be tired, leave him alone in his special place and let him sleep. Puppies are like babies, they need lots of sleep. Puppies are so irresistible and most people want to give them whatever they want. If you allow that to happen now when the pup becomes older you will find you may have problems breaking bad habits.
Never hit your puppy. They don’t mean to be bad or misbehave- they are just doing what comes naturally to them. Show the pup what kind of behavior you want and teach him how to play with his toys. Make sure that you show him how happy you are that he is chewing on his toys and not your furniture.
We all know that puppies are chewing machines. That is why it is important to have plenty of chew toys around for them to use. When you see the pup start to chew on your furniture or a shoe, immediately grab one of their toys and get the pup’s attention. When the pup starts to play and chew on its toy make sure to praise them profusely. This shows them that you are happy with what they are doing. This shows them that when they do certain things which make you happy they will receive attention. You want to reward the good behavior and not the bad.
Puppies have to be watched over very closely for the first few days until they figure out what

Routines are especially important to establish with your puppy. Having a set routine gives your puppy security and helps to keep him calm and not fearful. If you and other family members will be gone during the day or on certain nights you need to get the pup accustomed to being alone. Every time the puppy whines resist the urge to comfort him.
One of the first things to take care of after the puppy is settled into its new home is to make an appointment with your veterinarian. Make sure to do this right away and to set up the schedule for vaccinations. Vaccinations are very important because puppies are susceptible to many canine diseases. Take out a comprehensive pet insurance policy too, as vet’s bills for unexpected mishaps and illnesses can be very expensive.
If you establish a routine and rules from the start, everyone, including your puppy, will be able to form a bond that will last a lifetime. Puppies grow up very quickly and you will want to be able to enjoy all of the different stages they will go through. When you get frustrated with potty training and the chewing, just remember it will pass and soon you will be over the hardest part of the adjustment period. Like raising a baby, puppies need a lot of love, attention and special care. In return you will get devotion, love and loyalty from the newest four-legged member of your family.
by Karen Corey
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