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Dog Training Informations

In training your dog, you should use consistent commands in order not to confuse it. Dogs that get used to a particular command in a certain context are unable to respond to the same command in a different context......

Dog Training Informations

The training of dog begins during the period in its life when its socialization skills are being developed. If you train a dog too early, it will not learn anything because it hasn’t developed to the extent that it can learn. Training your dog when it has already developed its own undesirable characteristics may prove to be an extremely difficult task.

Are you thinking about training your dog? Well then good for you! Dog trainers are on hand to help you and your dog come to perfect understanding relationship. Dog trainers can be found in pet stores or you can hire the services of an independent dog trainer to help you train your dog.

In training your dog, you should use consistent commands in order not to confuse it. Dogs that get used to a particular command in a certain context are unable to respond to the same command in a different context. You should be consistent in your tone when training your dog in order to avoid confusing it.

Teaching your dogs how to perform tricks keeps it busy. You may decide to train your dog for the purpose of entertainment just as circus dog owners do. Whatever reason you have for training your dog to perform tricks, ensure that you don’t put it under any undue pressure.

Any slight change in the tone of your voice when you issue commands can throw a dog into confusion. Dogs that have grown so used to a particular tone of voice may be unsure about what to do if a different tone is used. Be consistent in both the tone and the speed of what you are saying so that your dog will understand it.

Circus dogs are those that are trained specially for the purpose of entertainment. Circus dogs are trained to do a lot of amazing things such as jump hoops or roll balls. You can teach your own dog a trick or two to catch fun and entertain your friends.

When the world’s greatest dog trainer came on the Oprah show, it started a flurry of eager dog owners standing in line to have their dogs trained. A trained dog gives you the best of itself and its services. An untrained dog in your home can be more of a curse than a blessing.

You need to supply all the vital information about your dog to a dog trainer to work with. Let the dog trainer you hire know exactly what you expect to be done with your dog before any form of training commences. Dog trainers have been known to successfully train dogs all around the world.

By: JohnJamespnp
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

Keeping A Dog Training Journal

Dogs that are particularly trained to guide blind people are trained using audible training modes. The success of each training session with a dog is actually dependent on the dog owner.....

Keeping A Dog Training Journal

Some puppy owners use force to communicate what they want their dogs to do. The fact about the matter is that smacking your dog each time it performs an undesirable act is only going to drive it away from you. If you want to correct your dog, there are several leashes in the market that can help you do so.

The key to raising a healthy obedient puppy is consistently. The more you are consistent and firm with the things you want your dog to learn, the more well behaved it becomes. If you are too flexible during the training sessions for your dog, you may end up confusing it.

Dogs are adept at understanding sign language. Dogs that are particularly trained to guide blind people are trained using audible training modes. The success of each training session with a dog is actually dependent on the dog owner.

Some dogs have natural tracking skills and are trained to use these skills. Rescue dogs are dogs whose skill at finding people has been honed in intensive training sessions. Rescue dogs are usually trained and used by the Red Cross and the police force.

Dogs are trained for all kinds of roles such a protection. Some dos are required to become guard dogs after their training because of their territorial instincts. Guard dogs In general are trained to take care of property and people.

Reward training refers to positive dog training. Positive dog training techniques refer to the use of positive training techniques to train your dog. The fact about the matter is that positive dog training works effectively for dogs.

Dogs can be a handful and without proper training, they can be positively uncontrollable. Having a dog entails more than just feeding and bathing it. Dog training is one responsibility you owe to your dog.

Don’t spoil your dog by petting it too much. Dogs like kids need a firm hand occasionally to live up to your expectations. A lax attitude in training your dog will leave you with a dog that chooses to do what it pleases.

By: JohnJamespnp
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com

FREE Kit Tells You How To train a dog in 10 easy lessons

A puppy learns new behaviors during the socialization stage that helps it learn its master’s needs...Teaching your dogs how to perform tricks keeps it busy. You may decide to train your dog for the purpose of entertainment just as circus dog owners do.....

FREE Kit Tells You How To train a dog in 10 easy lessons

The socialization period is the most suitable time for bonding between you and your dog. During a puppy’s socialization stage, it learns by experience and can easily learn to foster relationships with both humans and its fellow dogs. A puppy learns new behaviors during the socialization stage that helps it learn its master’s needs.

Dog training classes involves the dog trainer, your dog and you. The fact about the matter is that a dog trainer does not just train your dog how to obey certain commands. A dog trainer teaches you to issues out those commands to your dog for the desired effect.

Dog commands range from owner to owner. A dog may be taught to heel or to sit. Basic dog commands usually include sit, down, stay, recall and close.

Teaching your dogs how to perform tricks keeps it busy. You may decide to train your dog for the purpose of entertainment just as circus dog owners do. Whatever reason you have for training your dog to perform tricks, ensure that you don’t put it under any undue pressure.

Give your dog plenty of room to respond to your directives when training it. Don’t treat your dog disdainfully when training it or it may not respond accordingly. Bear in mind that training your dog can be quite tasking and try to exercise patience.

Assistance dogs are basically dogs that are trained to be of some service to humanity. Guide dogs for the blind are assistance dogs because they assist the blind. Service dogs are trained to merge their sensory and protective skills to help people.

Some dog owners may be concerned about teaching dogs tricks to entertain people. Other dog owners may be more concerned with teaching a dog how to lead blind people. The reason a dog owner trains a dog varies from person to person.

Dogs that are large have their own special dog training tools. It is vital that you use the right training tool for the right dog so that things will not go wrong. Ensure that your dog is not being trained under pressure or else you won’t get the best out of it.

By: JohnJames
Article Source: http://articleaddict.com

Choosing a Dog

Look in Dog Magazines and if you can go to dog shows and talk to the owners of the breeds that interest you. Read up on the breed you like on the internet or buy books about the breed.....

Choosing a Dog

I want to get a dog First of all please ask yourself these questions and answer honestly. Do I have the time and the patience to give to a demanding animal? Will I walk a dog every single day no matter how bad the weather or how tired I am? Do the other people with whom I live also want a dog? Am I prepared for the mess a dog can make remembering that dog’s moult and have four paws that can bring a lot of dirt into your house.

Do I know what a dog will expect from me and what do I expect to get from the dog? Do I know what breed of dog I want and have I done any research on this? If I want a puppy am I aware of just how much hard work is involved in house training a it? Am I prepared for the chewing and the peeing and the pooing? Do I want to get a rescue dog and am I prepared for the possible problems a dog which may have had a difficult life may have? Am I prepared to spend hours training a dog? If you can answer yes to the questions then let’s think about the dog for you.

A dog can be a wonderful companion but it can also be a real nuisance. No dog will be perfect without input from the owner.

If you think that you have the time and patience to train a puppy and are at home for at least half of each day then the next step is to decide upon the breed. Do not imagine that a smaller breed will need less exercise. All dogs need exercise and training whether it is Chihuahua or a Great Dane.

Look in Dog Magazines and if you can go to dog shows and talk to the owners of the breeds that interest you. Read up on the breed you like on the internet or buy books about the breed. Find out all you can about the characteristics of the breeds you like before making the decision. Find out what health problems different breeds may have. A lot of larger breeds have hip problems and breeders should be able to show the ‘hip scoring’ on their stock.

The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, one of the most delightful breeds of dog also suffer from hip dysplasia and from Syringomyelia (SM) a disorder of the brain and spinal column.

Bulldogs suffer from breathing problems and this can cause them distress. Shar Pei’s regularly suffer from entropian, a condition where their eye lids turn in and the lashes turn into the eyeball, a painful condition which requires surgery to correct. Any rare breed will carry genetic problems because of the smallness of the gene pool so if you want a rare breed be prepared for health problems.

We do not want to put you off choosing a breed just to warn you to do your homework. on the breed you like.

By: Sarah James
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com

The Easy Way to Get Your Dog to Behave

In the Kingdom of Pets, there is usually an "Alpha" leader in pack animals, such as dogs, coyotes, or wolves. This Alpha leader controls what the rest of the pack does, and a dog's instinct makesthem strive for this position....

The Easy Way to Get Your Dog to Behave

Many dog owners may feel disappointment when they have finished picking out their new puppy or shelter dog to take home. Usually, this is due to behavior problems that they can't seem to control and they have no idea where to start.

There are several common characteristics that work, not only is repetition training required, but positive reinforcement and consistency in communication with the pet is crucial. Once they have started learning and understand they will be rewarded for good behavior, they will want to please you by meeting your expectations.

In the Kingdom of Pets, there is usually an "Alpha" leader in pack animals, such as dogs, coyotes, or wolves. This Alpha leader controls what the rest of the pack does, and a dog's instinct makes them strive for this position. By being a consistent owner who exercises control of the dog, the pet will soon look at you as the "Alpha" of the pack. You must first gain the animal's respect and obedience.

The first key is communicating with the animal in a consistent manner. For example, if you do not want him getting on the couch, don't ever let him remain on the couch. If you give in and allow the dog to lay on the couch, even once, the pet will constantly test to see if you will let them do it again, and you will have unknowingly reinforced bad behavior by giving in. In a household where there are several family members, it is important that everyone enforces the pet's rules.

The second key is positive reinforcement. By using a reward when the dog has performed as you commanded, he will come to want to earn the reward or treat, whether it is just telling him, "good boy" or a doggie snack. Daily training sessions of 15 minutes is usually the most effective way to train, as a dog may get bored with sessions of longer duration.

The third key is never use punishment to train the dog as it is ineffective, unless it is at the exact moment the dog is performing the undesired behavior, not after. For example, by the time a dog has urinated on the floor, and you rub his nose in it, his mind has already moved on to something else, and he does not understand what you are trying to tell him, don't do it in this spot? Smell it when I am done? What does he mean?

By using positive actions to correct bad behavior, he will associate that with what he is supposed to do to get a treat. So instead of punishment, after he urinates on the floor, tell him no, then take him outside until he goes again, bring him in, praise him and give him a treat. He will get to where he will want to go outside and sometimes not urinate, so you have to be sure to only give him a treat when he does.

In summary, it is easy to train your dog, once you have established yourself as the "Alpha", and learned to communicate by using positive reinforcement and not punishment. It is easy to get your dog to behave and become a fun addition to your home.

By Expert Author: Amanda Isbitt
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com

The Noble Bloodhound Dates Back to Over a Thousand Years

Bloodhounds are large, powerful and rugged with loose skin and long hanging ears. They have a baleful look with drooping lower eyelids. They grow to 25-27 inches high and weigh from 80 to 130 lbs....

The Noble Bloodhound Dates Back to Over a Thousand Years

Bloodhounds love long hikes in the great outdoors, are patient, kind, mild-mannered, affectionate, love children, are well-muscled with powerful shoulders, can be stubborn, tend to have a strong odor, and drool and slobber a lot.

This breed that dates back to over a thousand years ago is described as noble, mild-mannered, patient, kind and lovable. They are gentle and excellent with children ????exhibiting great tolerance as they let the kids climb all over them. Don’t let their meekness with the children fool you though...they are strong willed and even aggressive with other dogs of the same sex. They become devoted to their master, but let that sensitive nose lock onto a sent and his ears will no longer seem to function as he takes off to find the end of that trail. Bloodhounds will chase the sent for miles with unusual stamina. Bloodhounds need a leash or a fence!

Though no longer used for hunting, they are still employed to track and save missing ???persons...and criminals too. It is a rare breed that can track the human scent...and Bloodhounds can lock onto a scent that is as much as four days old. They can routinely track a scent on pavement and asphalt. While “air scenting dogs” are trained to find humans, Bloodhounds can find individuals. Among other things, a Bloodhound can tell you the direction a person took, if the person got in a car, and if a “sighting” of a person being searched for was real. His nose is so accurate that bloodhound evidence is admissible in court. One Bloodhound has been credited with over 600 criminal arrests and convictions!

Bloodhounds are large, powerful and rugged with loose skin and long hanging ears. They have a baleful look with drooping lower eyelids. They grow to 25-27 inches high and weigh from 80 to 130 lbs. These are large active animals that take up a lot of space and should have at least an average size yard and daily walks. They not only need exercise but also mental stimulation. Between chewing, baying and the destructive potential of such a large, strong and independent-thinking animal, a bored Bloodhound can be a real test. Bloodhound puppies are particularly rambunctious and it may not be a good idea to have them around the elderly and infirm, or very small children. A playful Bloodhound puppy can send even adults flying when they are in full cavort mode!

Bloodhound owners can join local tracking clubs and put their amazing skills to potential good use...a great way to take the potentially problematic tendencies of chasing after scents, running after other animals, frequent explorations and baying, and channeling them to something fun for you and productive for everyone.

It takes a consistent, patient and confident owner to train their Bloodhound. These dogs are independent in mind, are extremely stubborn, can be manipulative and sometimes think they should be the boss. You can think everything is under control until they catch an interesting scent, then off they go possibly never to be seen again! They are slow to mature so the training process can last for several years.

Before taking on ownership of a Bloodhound keep in mind that there instinct to chase any moving animal can be strong and that they are quite capable of seizing and even killing other small animals. They have strong deep voices that carry a huge distance and can drive your neighbors crazy and result in visits by the police!
They shed their short stiff and “sticky” hairs in copious quantities and drool and slobber in surprising quantities. Bring a towel! They can also have a noticeable odor to their coat that some people find rather objectionable.

Bloodhounds also tend to have more than their fair share of health problems including heart disease and stomach problems (they tend to bloat easily and it is better to feed them several small meals a day as opposed to one large meal). If they stay healthy they usually live 10 to 12 years.

By Expert Author: John M. Lund
Article Source: http://www.articlesphere.com

Stop Dog Barking- What Can You Do to Stop Your Dog From Barking?

Sometimes the best tool for training a pet is positive reinforcement. Instead of getting angry and calling your dog names, encourage them to stop their barking....

Stop Dog Barking-
What Can You Do to Stop Your Dog From Barking?

Dog’s are lovable and enjoyable pets that can become a part of your family. While they can cause some trouble from time to time, barking is something few people enjoy. If your dog is constantly barking, you are not alone. Luckily, there are a few things you can do to cut them of this habit.

The first thing you need to do is consider what is making him bark. Do you have a cat that is taunting him? Does he need more yard access? Figuring out exactly what the problem is will help you determine what the solution is.

The next thing to look at is your dog’s basic needs. Learn to figure out when your dog needs to go to the restroom or is hungry. These are basic things that can aggravate your pet if he cannot do so on his own. It is up to you to listen when your dog is trying to tell you something.

If you are having trouble getting your dog to stop barking, you may want to invest in a citronella no-bark collar. Some people purchase shock collars with the hope that shocking them will stop the barking. Regardless of what you may think, this is cruel to your dog. Instead, a citronella no-bark collar simply sprays a small amount of citronella, which is something dogs do not like.

Sometimes the best tool for training a pet is positive reinforcement. Instead of getting angry and calling your dog names, encourage them to stop their barking. This is not going to happen over night, but it can have an effect on whether or not they listen to you.

As they do something good or stop barking after your positive reinforcement, reward them. If you tell them “good boy” or “good girl” right after they do something good, they will learn to connect the two. They will know that in order to get a reward, they need to not bark.

If you have done all of the above and are still not seeing the results, you may want to consider consulting a board-certified veterinary behaviorist. When talking to them, you can ask for more suggestions about how to stop the problem of your dog barking.

Although it can become quite annoying, it may not be your dog’s fault that they are barking. They may be trying to tell you something. Regardless of the problem, take into consideration the tips listed in this article to work towards stopping your dog from barking.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

There is a Fun Way to Care for Your Dog With Dog Grooming Supplies

Right dog grooming supplies are keys in making your dog feel better...Adopt a good grooming system with the use of top dog grooming supplies...Blow-dry and pedicure your dog too with dog grooming supplies....

There is a Fun Way to Care for Your Dog With Dog Grooming Supplies

Others may probably think that it is a dirty and an unwanted job to groom their dogs. They may be true in one sense, but you should learn to enjoy this task. When you groom and care for your dogs with the use of dog grooming supplies then you actually spend time with your pet dog building the bond between the two of you.

Right dog grooming supplies are keys in making your dog feel better

It is more like a bonding time for you and the dog. And your pet will not see the dog grooming supplies in your hand as a punishment and a boring time for him but rather he will see your dog grooming supplies and the time off as an important time for him to be loved, maintained and showered with attention.

So the next time you will be tasked to groom the family’s pet dog, see that as an opportunity for you and the dog to bond and a way as well for you to show how your pet dog is valued in the family.

Adopt a good grooming system with the use of top dog grooming supplies

Grooming the pet dog is not all about washing him and combing the hair. There are a lot of details that come into play as well, and some very specific dog grooming supplies should be in hand. With the right dog grooming supplies, then you get to ensure that your pet dog is not only clean, looking and feeling fresh but healthy as well.

These listed objectives can be brought about by the right and suggested good grooming system. If you are new in this kind of care for the pet dog with the use of dog grooming supplies, then let this be your little guide for you when you share your time with your dog.

The basic things that you can do to your dog with the use of dog grooming supplies are to ensure that you brush him out completely to take off dirt and to wash him. First thing is to brush out the dog where you need to remove the mats and the tangles. When these mats and tangles aren’t removed, then they will be harder to take off once these are already wet. There will be dog grooming products that you can use to make it possible. Bathing with the use of shampoo and other dog grooming supplies is critical. You need to ensure that before you proceed with bathing, all necessary dog grooming supplies that will be used in bathing should be within your reach. Examples of dog grooming supplies that you will need when bathing the dog include your shampoo, conditioner, rinsing hose and his towel.

Blow-dry and pedicure your dog too with dog grooming supplies

Blow-dry the dog completely right after bathing in order to avoid diseases. If you want to take a step further, you can pedicure the pet with the use of specific dog grooming supplies. Head trim may be done too with the use of other dog grooming supplies. In fact you can a lot for your dog; all you need to have is time and the right dog grooming supplies.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com

Build Custom Dog House – Use Wooden or Plastic Materials?

Alternatively, plastic doghouses are also becoming more and more popular these days. They are cheap and highly resistance to corrosion from the weather. They are also easier to clean compared to houses made of wood....

Build Custom Dog House – Use Wooden or Plastic Materials?

It can sometimes be difficult to find the right dog house for your dog even though today there are plenty of choices available today. Most ready built doghouse are built mostly of the same design and model with standard sizes.

If you want something unique for your doghouse, something different from the other dog house in your neighbourhood, you can try building your own custom dog house.

There are several dog house plans online that you can follow and you can always alter it to your liking. It is also cheaper and the building materials are usually quite readily available.

If you do not have the skills or the time, then you can also get custom built dog houses. There are a few websites such as doghouseplans.com that offers custom built dog houses to your design and preferences.

It has become more popular in the past few years because people realized dogs are a part of the family and want them to live in specially designed doghouses that match their own house. There are now more specialized companies that can tailor and built exquisitely detailed doghouse for more affordable prices compared to just a few years ago.

Of course, a custom built doghouse is still more expensive compared to ready off the shelf doghouses. However, there are a few ways to save some money such as using cheaper wooden building materials as well as cheaper models of dog air conditioning and heating systems.

Regardless of your budget, you should construct a dog house that is warm, dry and comfortable for your dog. Most modern materials used to build dog houses are treated to prevent rot and rain from seeping into the wood and corroding them.

Alternatively, plastic doghouses are also becoming more and more popular these days. They are cheap and highly resistance to corrosion from the weather. They are also easier to clean compared to houses made of wood.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/

A Quick Look At Various Dog Training Collars

You can use dog training collars to teach basic commands such as stay, sit, and heel. There are different kinds of dog training collars to suit different dog activities....

A Quick Look At Various Dog Training Collars

Dogs must wear a collar while they are in training because a collar gives you a point of contact with the dog. Not to mention that it will be easier for you or the trainer to manipulate the dog in some ways. Generally, dogs wear collars so that owners can attach a leash on them in case they need to be controlled in areas such as road sides. Dog training collars can be an alternative to a trainer in teaching dogs with basic obedience training, sport dog training or advanced training. However, you have to ensure that the dog training collars' size is appropriate for your dog.

The most popular are the slip collars which can work really well when it is fitted and used properly. Next kind is the buckle collar which is similar to the buckle for trousers. The nylon type of buckle collar is the most preferred since it is easy to clean and it does not shrink. This collar also has fasteners to secure over the dog’s neck. Then, there is the snap-around choke collar.

This is a better and newer version of the choke chain collar because it is designed not to damage the dog’s windpipe. The snap-around choke is snugly fit and is worn up high the dog’s neck. Choke-chain dog training collars were replaced since it was merely used for punishment and correction. Every time the dog misbehaved, the owner can just jerk the leash and the dog would choke. This kind of collar was considered to be an absolute torture to dogs in the past. The electronic dog training collars are considered to be one of the most effective tools in dog training these days.

These collars are remote-controlled. They emit a light and corrective static shock that is activated whenever the dog misbehaves. The corrective signal gets the attention of the dog. Then, it links the behavior with the response of the dog teaching them what is a good behavior from what is bad. With this kind of stimulus-response method, the dog learns to stop misbehaving. However, there is also a negative effect seen in using electronic dog training collars. For one, the dog will always leave in fear and negative anticipation of the shock. The dog’s movement could be limited and confined in fear.

These kinds of dog training collars should not be used by inexperienced trainers as they may not be well-versed in using the tool properly. Despite the disapproval of some people in the use of dog training collars, professional dog trainers and veterinarians still say that collars are safe training tools for dogs. However, owners must choose the collar that will cater to their and their dogs’ needs. Make sure that the collar you will choose will not damage the anatomy of your dog and will not create a negative effect on them. Weigh your choices of dog training collars carefully.

By choosing the right kind of collar, you and your dog will definitely benefit from it.
By: Alex De La Cruz
Article Source: http://www.ArticleBiz.com