Build Custom Dog House – Use Wooden or Plastic Materials?

If you want something unique for your doghouse, something different from the other dog house in your neighbourhood, you can try building your own custom dog house.
There are several dog house plans online that you can follow and you can always alter it to your liking. It is also cheaper and the building materials are usually quite readily available.
If you do not have the skills or the time, then you can also get custom built dog houses. There are a few websites such as that offers custom built dog houses to your design and preferences.

Of course, a custom built doghouse is still more expensive compared to ready off the shelf doghouses. However, there are a few ways to save some money such as using cheaper wooden building materials as well as cheaper models of dog air conditioning and heating systems.

Alternatively, plastic doghouses are also becoming more and more popular these days. They are cheap and highly resistance to corrosion from the weather. They are also easier to clean compared to houses made of wood.
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