The Easy Way to Get Your Dog to Behave
Many dog owners may feel disappointment when they have finished picking out their new puppy or shelter dog to take home. Usually, this is due to behavior problems that they can't seem to control and they have no idea where to start.

There are several common characteristics that work, not only is repetition training required, but positive reinforcement and consistency in communication with the pet is crucial. Once they have started learning and understand they will be rewarded for good behavior, they will want to please you by meeting your expectations.
In the Kingdom of Pets, there is usually an "Alpha" leader in pack animals, such as dogs, coyotes, or wolves. This Alpha leader controls what the rest of the pack does, and a dog's instinct makes them strive for this position. By being a consistent owner who exercises control of the dog, the pet will soon look at you as the "Alpha" of the pack. You must first gain the animal's respect and obedience.

The second key is positive reinforcement. By using a reward when the dog has performed as you commanded, he will come to want to earn the reward or treat, whether it is just telling him, "good boy" or a doggie snack. Daily training sessions of 15 minutes is usually the most effective way to train, as a dog may get bored with sessions of longer duration.
The third key is never use punishment to train the dog as it is ineffective, unless it is at the exact moment the dog is performing the undesired behavior, not after. For example, by the time a dog has urinated on the floor, and you rub his nose in it, his mind has already moved on to something else, and he does not understand what you are trying to tell him, don't do it in this spot? Smell it when I am done? What does he mean?
By using positive actions to correct bad behavior, he will associate that with what he is supposed to do to get a treat. So instead of punishment, after he urinates on the floor, tell him no, then take him outside until he goes again, bring him in, praise him and give him a treat. He will get to where he will want to go outside and sometimes not urinate, so you have to be sure to only give him a treat when he does.
In summary, it is easy to train your dog, once you have established yourself as the "Alpha", and learned to communicate by using positive reinforcement and not punishment. It is easy to get your dog to behave and become a fun addition to your home.
By Expert Author: Amanda Isbitt
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