Dogs Training Series Which Dog Food is Best Canned or Dried
Whichever dog food you begin feeding your dog is most likely the one he will take to the easiest. That\'s why it\'s important to make sure you start your dog on a good dog food.

Budget wise, consider that you will need to provide your dog with more canned food to match the quantity of dry food both in amount and nutritional value.
Another factor to consider is that canned food contains preservatives to protect it from deterioration. Dry food also contains preservatives, but it is less susceptible to decay.
Consider too that some dogs do not tolerate canned foods very well and can develop diarrhea or stomach upsets. This is likely due to the preservatives used in production. In this case, your dog might do well with the superior quality canned foods or a strict dry dog food diet.
It\'s important, however, to look for dry food that is not loaded with filler such as corn or grain. You want to see beef (not meat by-products) or chicken at the top of the list when you read the label. Keep in mind that whatever is listed first represents the highest quantity of that item. If corn is listed first, move on to another brand. Corn provides little if any nutrient value and is hard for your dog to>
Be aware that meat by-products are leftovers from the slaughtering process and can include anything from chicken feet to internal organs.
Today, many manufacturers are including vitamin and mineral supplements in both dry and canned foods to help maintain your dog\'s health. Some contain soybean and rice, which offer valuable nutrients.
Simply by their size, larger dogs weighing over 30 pounds will likely do better on dry or semi-moist food which is more economical to buy and provides a good combination of nutrients.
Whichever choice you make, be sure to check the label. Look for real meat at the top, vegetables and vitamin and mineral supplements. Try to weed out those with long lists of preservatives as they can trigger digestive disturbances in your dog.
Look for higher priced foods, as the economical brands generally do not provide sufficient nutrients that are available from quality dog food.
By Alex Rocklane