10 Things a Dog Asks of Its People -
Why Dog Behavior Problem Could Be Your Own

Did you realize that all that time it is mostly one-way relationship? You enforce certain behavior, ask for obedience, and demand your dog to follow your commands. But did it ever cross your mind what is other party thinking, asking, demanding? What are your dogs real needs, desires and wishes and how would he like your relationship to be?
If you did not think about that here is short list things your dog is expecting from you.
1. My life is most likely to last 10 to 15 years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Keep that in mind before you buy me.
2. Give me time to understand what you exactly want from me.
3. Place all your trust in me - it's crucial for my well-being.
4. Don't be mad at me for long, and don't lock me up as a way of punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.
5. Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand the ton of your voice when you are speaking to me.
6. Remember this. However you treat me I'll never forget it.
7. Remember before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand, but that I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you discipline me for being "uncooperative", "obstinate" or "lazy", ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I am not getting the right food, or I've been alone for too long, or my hart is getting old and weak.
9. Take good care of me when I get old; you too will grow old.
10. Go with me on difficult journeys. Never say: "I can't bear to watch it", or "Let it happen in my absence". Everything will be much easier for me if you are there.
There you have it. If you did it fast first time, go back and read slowly again, one by one and do some thinking. Do you provide any of this to your dog and is maybe dog behavior problem actually your own problem. Next time when you deal with him, remember those10 things your dog is asking of you.
About Author: You get together with your family, decide to finally bring new member into your house and when that cute bundle of joy spends few days jumping on your furniture, biting your slippers and wetting your carpets, than you realize that you are not prepared enough for all this. You start asking yourself is this madness going to stop and can I do anything to control that. This is where Gavin Mur can help you with 15 years experience in dealing with dogs. Giving you necessary education he will enable you to deal with every situation you and your dog can get into, including dog psychology.
By Gavin Mur
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/