Dog Aggression - What Causes Normal Dogs to Act Like Aggressive Dogs?

What causes normal dogs to become aggressive dogs?
It is normal for dogs to defend their territory, which includes his owners' car and house. Dogs want to make it known that someone is stepping into their territory. To better understand why your dog displays territorial aggression, consider the following scenarios:
1. When a delivery person approaches your house, the dog starts barking. Once the package has been delivered, the delivery person leaves. In your dog's mind, he made the stranger leave by barking at him. This situation can promote more territorial aggression.
2. When riding in a car, some dogs with extreme territorial aggression problems bark incessantly at every person and thing outside the car window. By barking, these dogs are telling those people and things to stay away from their territory. And of course, because cars move, nobody is going to approach their territory. Once again, these dogs think that they kept the intruders away by barking at them and will continue to display the same kind of behavior.
3. Another very common reason for a dog to increase his level of aggression and to bark even more is the owner's reaction to the dog's aggression. For example, when a dog barks at the door and the owner yells at him to shut him up, the dog may think that the owner is "supporting" his aggression by acting this way and giving him attention. You may consider thinking twice before yelling at your dog next time a stranger or delivery person comes to your door.
4. Dogs may also display heightened levels of territorial aggression whenever they are isolated or locked up when guests and strangers are inside the house. Although the dog owner may think of it as a very reasonable step to take to prevent the incessant barking from annoying his or her guests, it can increase the dog's aggression levels. While the dog is locked up, the dog can smell the "intruders" but can't do anything about it. The dog's aggression levels can rise dramatically, which causes stress and anxiety, and which leads to even more behavioral problems.
By Daniel Waser
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