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Flea Treatment - Let Me Count the Ways

Flea Treatment**It can be frustrating when your dog or cat gets infested by fleas. Your pets may also react differently to these varying flea treatment options:Shampoo,Powders or Sprays,Dips,Systemics**

Flea Treatment - Let Me Count the Ways

We always want the best when we choose among things. This includes our choice for the best flea treatment. We don't want to waste our time, effort, and money using flea treatments that do not work.

It can be frustrating when your dog or cat gets infested by fleas. They will be all over your pet's body and all over your house. It is also sad to see your pets so uncomfortable and scratching all day.

If left untreated, fleas may make your pets prone to skin irritation and infection. There can also be other health hazards which our eyes don't see.

What Your Cats or Dogs Need

Here are several options that you can explore. These flea treatments may vary in their potency. Your pets may also react differently to these varying flea treatment options:

• Shampoo-
The shampoo may help in keeping your dogs coat and skin healthy. Generally, they are not potent flea treatment. They will eliminate the fleas present during bathing but once rinsed off, the shampoo will not protect your pet. Read the label of flea treatment shampoo carefully since some of these products may not be safe for puppies or kittens.

• Powders or Sprays-
A lot of vets recommend using flea treatment sprays and powders for dogs or cats. These products often have the residual effect which means that they will protect your pets days or weeks after using them. Aside from killing the fleas that are present they will also repel parasites which might want to cling onto your pets. Always wear gloves when using these products.

• Dips-
Flea dips definitely get rid of fleas. Some of these maybe toxic though and pose harm to your pets. Always read the instructions carefully or ask the help of your veterinarian when using dips as flea treatment.

• Systemics-

These are the most potent flea control today. Fleas die when they bite a pet treated with systemics. They are often administered as drops on one spot of the pet's body. They are absorbed effectively and spread to the entire body of your cat or dog. Most systemics act very effectively and rapidly upon application. Vets also recommend some medicine for your pet in case the site of application gets irritated.

When looking for flea treatment, remember that your goal is not only eradication but also prevention. Always read labels and follow the directions carefully since some of these flea treatments maybe harmful to your cat or dog.

It is also a general thumb rule not to interchange flea treatment for a dog to a cat. The treatment may contain certain chemicals which may be harmful to the other animal. Remember cat and dog stuff don't mix well also.

Effective flea treatment may cost a little more money than the usual off the shelf products. Just remember that effective treatment and preventive solutions is far more cost efficient than having parasite infestation over and over again.

By Damian M Murphy
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
