Prevention is Key to Flea Treatment
A warm and humid weather is like a party zone for fleas and ticks. Most likely, your dog is more

A flea on your dog may be considered as a bad sign since there can be hundreds of fleas in less than a week's time. If you just neglect them, there will be thousands of fleas in different stages of development clinging on your dog's coat and skin. Your dog will be itching but the effects on its health can be a lot worse.
Fighting Fleas

Fleas most often tribe around the neck, ears, in between legs, and near the tail. Remember though that when you get rid of these fleas, you must also clean up their eggs or feces which may adhere to your carpet, mat, furniture, or where your dog sleeps or stays.
You can consider doing the following in case you are forced to battle fleas:
• Defense-
This is the best way to win the game. You can protect your home by using sprays or other products. You can also protect your pet by asking your vet for the best flea treatment to use so your dog will be protected. They might recommend using pills, collars, injections, or just shampoo.
• Shampooing and Bathing-
If you will be using shampoo as your primary mode of flea treatment, lather your dog's neck to create a line of protection so fleas will not go up his head and ears while bathing.
• Grooming -
comb your dog regularly. The metal comb will trap the fleas in between its teeth so you can dispose them easily.
• Carpet Protection-
If your dog loves the carpet most likely a lot of fleas and eggs will be adhering to its fibers. You can use a mixture of salt and borax which you can sprinkle on to your carpet. Let the mixture stay for several hours before vacuuming it off.
• Off Limits-
when your dog is infested with fleas, it may help if you limit his access to certain parts of the house. You don't want fleas crawling up your bed or your couch.
Following these practical tips may help you protect your dog and your home from flea infestation. If things get worse, consult your veterinarian so he can administer proper treatment to your dog. Fleas can have worse effects to your dog's health far beyond what our eyes can see.
By Damian M Murphy
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