Chow Chow

Other names Chow
Country of origin China
Weight Male 55 to 70 pounds(25 to 32 kilograms)
Female 45 to 60 pounds (20 to 27 kilograms)
Height Male 48–56 cm (19–22 in
Female 46–51 cm (18–20 in)
Coat Thick and coarse
Color Chow chow's coats can be one of five main colors.Red coats can be from light gold to deep red-brown.Cinnamon coats can be from light tan to brown.Blue coats are dark blue-gray.Chow Chow's can also be black or cream.
Litter size 5 pups
Life span 9–12 years

A close-up of the Chow's characteristic blue-black tongue
The Chow is a sturdily built dog that is square in profile with broad skull and small, triangular, erect ears that are rounded at the tip. The breed has a very dense double coat that is either smooth or rough. The fur is particularly thick around the neck, giving the distinctive ruff or mane appearance. The coat may be one of five colors including red, black, blue, cinnamon, and cream. Their eyes should be deep set and almond in shape. Chows are distinguished by their unusual blue-black/purple tongue and very straight

Today the Chow Chow is most commonly kept as a companion dog. Its keen sense of proprietorship over its home paired with a sometimes disconcertingly serious approach to strangers can be off-putting to those unfamiliar with the breed. However, displays of timidity and aggression are uncharacteristic of well-bred and well-socialized specimens. Inexperienced dog owners should beware of how dogs of this breed encounter those it perceives as strangers; their notoriety is so established that many homeowner's insurance companies will not cover dogs from this breed. The proper Chow owner will be just as willful and stubborn as the Chow they keep, thus weaker-willed individuals would be best served to evaluate their commitment in controlling an animal who is happy to take over any household. Specimens of opposite sex typically co-habitate with less tension than those of the same sex, but it is not unheard of for multiple chows of both sexes to live

Chows are not a particularly active breed. Apartment life can suit this breed, if given enough opportunity for regularly scheduled physical activity each day. The Chow Chow may appear to be independent and aloof for much of the day, keeping a comfortable distance from others while staying within earshot, or preferring to watch for strangers alone by the entrance. Owners still need to be prepared to take a Chow Chow for a brisk daily walk, even if they have a fenced yard, in order to meet the dog's needs for mental and physical stimulation. While the Chow exhibits low energy for most of the day, it will crave routine time to explore and play to maintain a happy and content disposition.
The Chow Chow is the dog breed most affected by elbow dysplasia. It is also prone to hip dysplasia, patellar luxation (slipping knee caps), thyroid disease, pemphigus foliaceus and ocular


The Chow Chow was a highly popular pet among the rich and famous during the Roaring Twenties. President Calvin Coolidge and his wife owned a black Chow named Timmy. Chow Chows were also popular in the 1930s and 1980s.