- Barking and How to Work With Your Yorkie to Eliminate Unwanted Barking
Does your Yorkshire terrier bark all of the time? If this is the case you will want to read on to find out what causes barking in dogs and what you can do to stop it. While we as humans find barking to be the most annoying sound we can imagine, dogs will sometimes bark for hours on end without taking a break. Here are some ideas to help you with a barking Yorkie or other small breed dog.

First, you must realize that dogs feel like they have an excellent reason for barking. They are expressing their feelings, trying to communicate something to you, or talking to other dogs. Once you think about barking in this way, it may not sound the same to you. Imagine if you could not talk or make any sounds at all. It would be very difficult for you to communicate with others or express your feelings. Dogs feel the same way. Yorkshire terriers are particularly expressive with their barks. Your little Yorkie may just start barking for no apparent reason. Babies and toddlers will cry in the same way. All of a sudden they may start crying, whining, or making other sounds of discomfort.
You will want to make sure that there is not anything physically wrong with your Yorkie if she keeps barking for more than just a few minutes. Just as you would do with a small child, comfort her and reassure her that you are there. Then, check to make sure she is not hungry, thirsty, or needs to go outside to urinate. After you have checked these reasons to your satisfaction, see if there is anything else you can think of. Check your Yorkie's paws and coat for thorns or other debris that may be caught in her fur. Run your hands through her coat and also check her eyes and ears. Sometimes it is just a small thing that can cause the barking.
If you have any other pets in your home, see if they are doing anything that could be annoying or bothersome to your Yorkshire terrier. Many times small dogs tend to act like spoiled children, picking and fussing at each other to get more attention.
Spend as much time as you can with your Yorkie to see if this makes a difference in the amount of barking that goes on. Dogs can become lonely and will act out in various ways when left alone for long periods of time. Sometimes having a neighbor check in on your dog once or twice a day will reassure them that they have not been abandoned. Training your Yorkshire terrier is well worth your time, and will ensure that you have a loving pet for years to come.
By Connie Ragen Green
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com