Dog Obedience Training - Train Your Dog at Home
There is the prevalence of different schools of thought in almost each subject. You will be amazed to know that this exists even in the dog obedience training. In the dog obedience training there is

It is said that the best training of the dog takes place if it is conducted by the owner. The acquaintance of the dog and the owner enables the concerned individual to comprehend the dog in a better manner. He gets the complete knowledge of the reactions, temperaments of the dog and can proceed in view of that. This provides him an upper hand in the training and therefore he excels in the role of a trainer. On the contrary, each and every professional training is for a specific period and there are also chances of failures. For these reasons you should be the trainer in any such dog obedience training at the residence. It is beneficial.
How should you embark on the process? You shall have to proceed in accordance with the established rules. There is a necessity to develop the affinity between the two. But the process is starkly different and hence you shall have to be very careful. Remember that the fellow feeling should be in the form of leader and follower but not like friends. If you try to form a friendship, you will be identified as an individual of inferior rank and that will lead to the ultimate disaster. Dogs are in general wild animals and due to the genetic influences prefer to live in packs.
Each of these packs remains under the tutelage of a single leader who enjoys an authoritarian rule. This concept of rule makes the other dogs bow before the stature of the leader. The dogs through generations know this concept of alpha dog and therefore they venerate only the leader of an omnipotent status. You shall have to be the leader of the same type and establish your authority.
There is also the need of efficient command training. The command training should consist of the basic commands and none of them should be ambiguous. It is also dangerous to command in different ways on each and every day. The dog, as a result, will fail to understand and also to act accordingly. This may diminish its spirit. So it's not safe to do this in any way.
Why don't you introduce reward training as a part of the dog obedience training? It's good and is also known to be advantageous. This is very simple. You shall have to give the dog a treat at each time it excels. But this should be done seldom or else it may become synonymous to indulgence. You should never punish it physically or admonish also.
By Rikard Ingvarsson
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