Dog Behaviour Training
- Most Common Mistakes While Training Your Dog
The relation between dog and human beings is as old as the human civilization. From the earliest days of civilization dog has become a great companion of men and is highly advantageous. But we can say that the entire task is not so easy also. The friendship between dog and man takes place only whe

Now you may argue of the need of any such training. You can but that's important. A dog, at whatever age, comes to your house with its own mindset. But you shall have to change it and also make it suitable for you. For all these there is the need of training. Do you know that out of each hundred people only ten to fifteen people become qualified in these? Reason? The same age-old mistakes that are repeated at every hour may happen with you also. So be aware. What are these mistakes?
Take for example you have researched thoroughly about tips re training of dogs on Internet and books. To you they may be suitable to change its behaviour. But after a week you find that the position is just the same and has aggravated further. You may wonder of the basis of this failure. But here also you did apply the same mistakes!
Did you ever care to find out its breed? Some breeds of dogs due to their special characteristics cannot continue as followers. They take birth as leaders and for the rest of life remain in that way. For this reason you shall have to be cautious from the day one. You shall have to change the entire module otherwise the whole session will become abortive. The same process of evaluation will have to be introduced in case of training style. There is always a need to estimate the training procedure and work consequently.
There are many who either fail or ignore to include reward as a part of the training. If you follow the same, it is one of the gravest mistakes. There is a great need to provide treats, as they are the best expressions of affections. This enables your dog to strive in batter manner and thus to achieve the objective. These treats can be anything like a delicious food or a favorite toy. Never forget to pat on its head and neck after every good performance!
Never try to be too controlling. Dogs in general live in packs and go according to the direction of the leader. You should be that leader but not too controlling. If you go on repeating this mistake, the reaction can be disastrous. It may become obstinate and aggressive than ever before. In the same way never become a training fanatic. There is the necessity to train but not for long hours. A training of few minutes about commands but on a daily basis is enough.
By Rikard Ingvarsson
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