Dog Behaviour Training
- Train Your Dog's Obedience Yourself
Pets of various kinds are of different behaviors and have different habits too. But the most important pet is a dog. But to train a dog one must keep in mind few points, before training a dog. First, the owner must develop a mutual connection and bond between him and the dog.

For giving proper house training a person must first, relocate the dog\'s habitat to a place closer to the bathroom or the kitchen. Then the owner must be with the dog and spend some time in its living place. Provide with a sleeping object. Initially, it will eliminate in its living place but then gradually it would stop, as the dog would soon realize that it is his or her living area. Do this for sometimes, unless the dog does not get used to its living place.
If the pet is a puppy, then it has to go through teething problems which would make the puppy bite, tear and biting things. The owner must stop this habit before the dog becomes 4 months of age, because if not checked the problem will still persist. So, the owner must find ways to make the puppy socialize with the other dogs, because while playing and socializing with other pets, they tend to bite, and once they start the process of playing, then the puppy stops the biting process. But trust should be present, as lack of trust, aggravates the biting of the dog.
Most of the dogs have the tendency to eat the poop. But this habit soon ends as the dog grows of age. But in the time being, to stop this habit, the toilet of the dog or his or her area of elimination, should be kept neat and clean always.
It is very natural for any dog to bark. But if the barking is unnecessary and irrelevant, then it must be stopped. So, the owner must always interact and never leave the pet alone. The reason being that a dog tends and makes it a regular habit to bark if left alone every time.
Most of the dogs suffer from anxiety and depression if they are ignored and left all alone, as a result they bark, whine, cry and make noises, some times they would become destructive and destroy things around. So, to stop this kind of behavior, try giving the dog, something to eat or play with, for example, a bone or even a biscuit. Keep them happy and provide them with things that would keep them occupied. This way they would not get the feeling of any separation.
But the most important point to keep in mind while training the dog regarding his or her behavior and habits, the owner must deal with patience, love and happiness, as the dog reciprocates the same emotions towards the owner.
By Rikard Ingvarsson
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