Dog Training - Best Tips For Training Your Dog
Dogs are the best friends of human beings for many ages. They are considered the best companions since time immemorial. The owners of dogs feel proud to own such a wonderful creature as their friend. They also wish to train their dogs in best possible manner. The ability

As mentioned earlier, dogs do not have same level of ability and agility and that makes the task of a trainer easier or more difficult as they start training them. Sometimes the dog is sent to a dog behavioral school or sometimes a trainer is appointed by the owners to train his dog separately. Whatever be the mode of training, you should take proper care of your dog to make him able to get trained in the best possible manner.
It's true that some dogs are not easy to train but that doesn't mean ever that there is something wrong with them. They should not be called stupid or idiot dogs. Actually these dogs might even have rather a high rank of intelligence - high enough to let them get what they want when they really wish to get it.
Remember the following tips while you own a dog and you wish to train it properly:
# Remember that most of the dogs do not always understand all that you tell them to do. It knows only those words, commands and the names you teach it and always try to identify those words.
# Give instruction to the dog in the same words and with the same tone of voice and speed of speaking as the dog is able to understand.
# If the dog is unable to do the step correctly, do not repeat this step but start from the beginning. Don\'t forget to reward the dog if it des the step correctly. But before punishing think twice.
# Do not ever try to teach a dog anything that you do not know perfectly. Try any trick only after you have a very good knowledge of it.
# Experts in the business suggest the owners to keep the dog with them most of the time but do not try to train it all the time.

# Do not run after the dog to catch it; let the dog do that job for you.
# It is not desirable to allow anybody else to give commands to the dog while you are training it.
# Do not play wrestling games with your dog. This will only inculcate in him the tendency to bite and chew.
# Do not ever try to pull anything from the dog's mouth. Instead, try to divert his mind from it with a treat, and remove the object once he has dropped it.
These tips will help your dog to get trained in a better way.
By Rikard Ingvarsson
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